“L’Arte Mediterranea. Mostra di archipittura” (Mediterranean Art. Architecture-Painting Exhibition), Convento dei Cappuccini, Enna
"Percorsi. Un viaggio tra le opere di Salvatore Caputo” (Routes. A Journey Through the Works of Salvatore Caputo), Sala delle Verifiche (Complesso Steri), Palermo
“Linee d'acqua. Il mare nella Tonnara” (Lines of Water. The Sea Into the Tonnara), Tonnara Bordonaro, Palermo
“Mare, boschi, visioni d’infinito” (Sea, Woods, Visions of Infinity), Grand Hotel Santa Lucia, Napoli
“Per vie di sapidi cristalli. Visioni pittoriche tra mare e sale” (Through Routes of Sapid Crystals. Pictorial Visions Between Sea and Salt), Elle Arte, Palermo
“Per vie di sapidi cristalli. Visioni pittoriche tra mare e sale” (Through Routes of Sapid Crystals. Pictorial Visions Between Sea and Salt), Cappella dell'Incoronata, Museo Riso, Palermo
“Venite adoremus. I presepi di Salvatore Caputo” (Venite Adoremus. Nativity Scenes by Salvatore Caputo), Sant'Ippolito Church, Patti
“Dal mare, nel mare. Dialoghi equorei attraverso il tempo” (From the Sea, Into the Sea. Marine Dialogues Through Time), Museo "A. Pepoli", Trapani
“Nella casa di Tucci. Dipinti e poesie per Castania” (In Tucci's home. Paintings and Poems for Castania), at the Frantoio Cinquecentesco, Castania di Castell'Umberto
“Notturni, Fiori ed altre cose” (Nocturnes, Flowers and Other Things), Centro d'Arte Moderna "Agatirio", Capo d'Orlando
“Sinestesie del Natale. Essenze e presepi al Castello di Montalbano” (Christmas Synesthesiae. Scents and Nativity Scenes at the Montalbano Castle), at the “Castello di Federico", Montalbano Elicona
"Sulle tracce del Mito. La Sicilia nel percorso artistico di Salvatore Caputo" (On the Path of Myth. Sicily in Salvatore Caputo’s Artistic Career), at the “Fondazione Famiglia Piccolo di Calanovella", Capo d'Orlando
“Colori Vissuti” (Lived Colors) anthological cycle of six solo shows, all hosted at the Ethnohistorical Library “E. Vittorietti”, Steri Palace, Palermo
“Di molti mari e molteplici Itache. Cinquant’anni di pittura di Salvatore Caputo” (Of Many Seas and Multiple Ithacas. Fifty Years of Paintings by Salvatore Caputo), anthological solo show at the “Ex Convento San Francesco", Patti
"Tra realtà sognate e placidi ricordi" (Between Dreamt Realities and Peaceful Memories), at the “Lupo'Art” Art Gallery, Palermo
"Tra sogni, miti e ricordi" (Amongst Dreams, Myths and Memories), at the Sant’Elia Palace, Palermo
"Mitici Appunti" (Mythical Notes), at the “Complesso Monumentale Guglielmo II”, Monreale
"I segni del tempo" (The Signs of Time), at the Archaeological Museum of Agrigento
“Percorsi mediterranei” (Mediterranean Routes), solo show at the Spicuzza Theatre, Palermo
Solo show at the San Sebastiano Church during the event “6 chiese per 6 artisti” (6 Churches For 6 Artists), Ficarra
“I luoghi degli Dei” (The Places of Gods), at the Hotel Relais “Angimbè”, Alcamo
"I luoghi del mito" (The Places of Myth), at the Fondazione Mazzullo (hosted in the Duchi di Santo Stefano Palace), Taormina
"Opere recenti" (Recent Works), at the “I Tre Capricorni” Art Gallery, Altamura
"Appunti mediterranei" (Mediterranean Notes), at the “Lupo’Art” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the Town Hall, Castell’Umberto
"S’ode ancora il mare" (The Sea Can Still Be Heard), at the “Elle Arte” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Arte Oggi” Art Gallery, Reggio Calabria
Solo show at the “Artefiera” fair, Bologna
"Appunti di Pentecoste" (Pentecost Notes), at the Palermo Cathedral, Palermo
"Opere di Miracolo" (Endeavor of Miracle), at the Stella Maris Charity, Palermo
"Lune – dipinti notturni di Salvatore Caputo" (Moons – Nocturne Paintings by Salvatore Caputo), at the Marconi Palace, Alcamo
"Impervie Rosee Sabbie ed altro ancora" (Ardue Rosy Sands and More), at the “Lupo’Art” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Ancon Arte” fair, Ancona
Solo show at the “Palermo Arte Fiera” fair, Palermo
Solo show during the event “L’Isola dipinta - Cinquant’anni di natura e paesaggio” (The Painted Island - Fifty Years of Nature and Landscape), at the “Il Vittoriano” monument, Rome
"I luoghi di Dafni" (The Places of Daphnis), at the Chiesa SS. Crocifisso, Castelbuono
"Celesteterreno – Pitture per spazi sacri (Celestialearthly – Paintings for Sacred Spaces)", (travelling exhibition) at the “Centro d’arte moderna Agatirio” Art Gallery, Capo d’Orlando, and Chiesa dei Catalani, Messina
"Il Nitore della Speranza - Icone pasquali di Salvatore Caputo" (The Brightness of Hope - Easter Icons by Salvatore Caputo), at the Palermo Cathedral, Palermo
Solo show at the “Lineart” fair, Ghent (Belgium)
"Pittura per spazi Sacri" (Painting for Sacred Spaces), solo show at Mazara del Vallo
Solo show at the “Palermo Arte Fiera” fair, Palermo
"Voci, luoghi della storia - Dipinti anni Novanta di Salvatore Caputo" (Voices, Places of History - Salvatore Caputo’s Paintings of the 1990s), at the Santi Elena e Costantino Church, Palermo
"Palermo come Passione" (Palermo as Passion), at the “Lupo’Art” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Palermo Arte Fiera” fair, Palermo
"I Frammenti della Memoria" (The Fragments of Memory), Mazara del Vallo
"I luoghi di Teti – dipinti ed oggetti d’arte di Salvatore Caputo" (The Places of Thetis – Paintings and Art Objects by Salvatore Caputo), at the “Lupo’Art” Art Gallery, Palermo
"Naturae", at the “Studio 71” Art Gallery, Palermo
"Recinti Luminosi - I presepi di Salvatore Caputo" (Bright Enclosures - Salvatore Caputo's Nativity Scenes), at the Palermo Cathedral, Palermo
"L’officina di Adone" (The Workshop of Adonis), at the “Rivera” Art Gallery, Turin
"Magica Morgana" (Magical Morgana), at the “Il Sagittario” Art Gallery, Messina
"Lo sguardo dalla torre" (The View From the Tower), at the Cloister of Sixtus IV (Sacro Convento, Basilica of St. Francis), Assisi
"Tragitto virtuale tra mito e leggenda" (Virtual journey between myth and legend), at the “Ciambrina” Art Gallery, Monreale
"Le luci del Tirreno" (Lights of the Tyrrhenian Sea), at the “DAM - Diffusione Arte Moderna” Art Gallery, Palermo
"Il verde, lo sguardo" (The Green, The Look), at the “Centro d’arte moderna Agatirio” Art Gallery, Capo d’Orlando
"I giardini di Adone" (The Gardens of Adonis), at the Gallery of Modern Art (hosted in the Aragonese Castle), Taranto
"Nubi" (Clouds), at the “Pier Paolo Pasolini” Art Gallery, Agrigento
"Terrazze mediterranee" (Mediterranean Terraces), solo show at the “Linee d’Arte Giada” Art Gallery on the occasion of “Il mare degli Dei” (The Sea of Gods) book launch, Palermo
Solo show at the “Centro Arti Visive” Art Gallery, Marsala
"Sujets nocturnes", at the “Nuove Prospettive” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the Torre del Lauro Town Hall
Solo show at the “Linee d’Arte Giada” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Linee d’Arte Giada” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Linee d’Arte Giada” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “La Sonda” Art Gallery, L’Aquila
Solo show at the “Inquadrature” Art Gallery, Florence
Solo show at the “Linee d’Arte Giada” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Centro d’Arte 99” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Flegias” Art Gallery, Rome
Solo show at the “Centro Diffusione Arte” Art Gallery, Mazara del Vallo
Solo show at the “Il Vertice” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Il Grifone” Art Gallery, Caltanissetta
Solo show at the “Centro Diffusione Arte” Art Gallery, Mazara del Vallo
Solo show at the “Euno” Art Gallery, Enna
Solo show at the “Margutta” Art Gallery, Syracuse (Sicily)
Solo show at the “Il Vertice” Art Gallery (in November), Palermo
Solo show at the “Arteka” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Il Vertice” Art Gallery (in February), Palermo
Solo show at the “Il Vertice” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Il Trittico” Art Gallery, Palermo
Solo show at the “Il Cenacolo” Art Gallery (in October), Palermo
Solo show at the “Il Cenacolo” Art Gallery (in March), Palermo
Solo show at the “Portici” Art Gallery, Patti
Solo show at the Patti “Pro Loco”
Solo show at the Hotel Miravalle, Naso